If you are a licensed skydiver and you record the best videos jumping in our DZ, now you can invite us to collaborate in your Instagram post and in return we will give you a jump, as long as we accept the collaboration.

The conditions are:
- To be able to request your jump, it is essential that you invite us to collaborate with your photo or reel (Instagram account @skydive_spain) and that we accept the invitation.
- One video or photo in collaboration equals one free jump.
- The jump is not transferable. It will only be assigned to the person who uploaded the video or photo.
- Jumps are cumulative.
- Due to our business account on Instagram we cannot use music from this platform, so you will not be able to send us the invitation to collaborate.
- The photo must be yours and you must be able to prove it in some way.
- We reserve the right to choose the collaborations that best reflect, in our opinion, the athmosphere of our Dropzone.
- The videos and photos don´t have to be necessarily from the current season / year.
- It must be a new post, we will not accept old videos in which we are added as collaborators.
- To request the jump after we have accepted the invitation to collaborate, please contact us via our email: marketing@skydivespain.com
- This promotion will remain active until the 31st August. We ´re aiming to accept a collaboration per week.
Take advantage of this opportunity and upload the best videos and photos in our DZ. For any questions about this promotion do not hesitate to contact us through our social networks or email.