January 2016 Monthly Video

martes, febrero 16, 2016

If you visited our dropzone in January – check this out! Video by Willem de Groot.

What a great start of the year!

Skydive Spain January 2016 from Swallow Group on Vimeo.

And look at what we have for you in the upcoming weeks:


23-29 Residential Progression Course 
27-28 Formation Weekends / Findes de relativo


05-06 TrackDayz
07-11 $kysaver Week
07-10 USPA/UPT Tandem Instructor Rating Course
11-13 USPA Coach Course
12-13 FZTH Wingsuit Weekend
14-20 USPA AFF Instructor Rating Course
15-21 AFF Residential Course 
19-20 Formation Weekends / Findes de relativo
26-27 The canopy School – Beginner Active Piloting


Looking forward to seeing you soon in sunny Seville!

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